Interface IHarperDBExportLocalOptions



format: "csv" | "json"

the format you want your data to be exported, 'json' or 'csv'.

path: string

an absolute path where the file should be stored.

searchOperation: { get_attributes?: string[]; hash_values?: StringOrNumber[]; operation: "sql" | "search_by_value" | "search_by_hash"; search_attribute?: string; search_value?: string; sql?: string }

searchOperation of search_by_hash, search_by_value or sql.

Type declaration

  • Optional get_attributes?: string[]
  • Optional hash_values?: StringOrNumber[]
  • operation: "sql" | "search_by_value" | "search_by_hash"
  • Optional search_attribute?: string
  • Optional search_value?: string
  • Optional sql?: string